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 Raven Silhouette

Know the Truth.

A New Kind of Agency

Private investigation and due dilligence services are usually designed to meet the needs of big companies, like insurance providers and large-scale employers. At Sidney Black, we meet the needs of individuals, families, nonprofit organizations, community groups, and small businesses.

Whether it is a specific question you need answered, like a credential verification, or a discreet and straightforward background check,
 we are thorough and professional, without any of the shady tactics seen on TV. 

We specialize in investigative research via open-source intelligence (i.e. OSINT). We access official sources, like court records and incorporation documents, in addition to historical records, media coverage, social media, blogs, etc. If needed and appropriate, we can also conduct interviews and surveillance.

Besides being affordable, we have the credentials, skills, and technology to deliver a competitive quality service, but what really sets us apart is the advice and support that comes standard with every service we provide.

Contact us for a free 1-hour consultation. 



Online Safety
& Security

What we call "grooming" when a con-artist does it in person, is called 
Social Engineering when they do it online.

Anti-phishing software can catch bad technology, but it can't tell you if a person is who they say they are, or if an item they post for sale is really theirs - or if it exists at all.

This takes the training, insight, and tools had by a licensed investigator.

We offer Household Cybersecurity for ordinary users, designed to discreetly neutralize the risk of being misled by social engineering.

Private Investigation

The truth is never as simple as the answer to a single question, from a single source. There are more than two sides to every story; the truth is only ever as certain as the information you have is complete.

Our interactions with sources are
 trauma-informed and context-aware by default. By taking a grassroots-level approach to gathering intelligence, we have access to the most difficult to find sources.


Due Diligence

Organizations like to opt for a DIY approach to screening suppliers, applicants, etc. They speak with references, then do a Google search, without knowing what to ask or where to look.

A busy HR department is easy to mislead past these standard protocols. Much has been lost to incompetence and fraud that a round of simple, expert due diligence could have saved.

We strike the right balance of affordable, thorough, and discreet.



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